Title: Redemption
Writer: Joshua Marc Allen
Title: Her Seventh Death
Writer: Virginia Austin
Title: Making Twain
Writer: Greg Beattie
Title: The Virgin
Writer: Trysta A. Bissett, Jerry D. Ochoa
Title: Sleepwalkers Bay
Writer: Daisy Borders
Title: Sleeping Lady
Writer: Emmily Bristol
Title: Summer Job
Writer: Jarrett Bryant
Title: It Happened in Silence
Writer: Shaun Delliskave
Title: Contact 360
Writer: Matthew Domenico
Title: To the Moon
Writer: Michael Dukakis
Title: Dancing in Place
Writer: Jeanne Dukes
Title: Searching for Michael
Writer: David Earle
Title: Victor
Writer: Esther Farin
Title: LoveLetters Profiles
Writer: Mike Farragher
Title: Just Like You
Writer: David Finlay
Title: Recitation
Writer: Courtney Froemming
Title: The Secret of El Salto
Writer: Harvey Goodman
Title: Pastense
Writer: Dale Norman Green
Title: A Dirty Business
Writer: Gregg Greenberg
Title: American Daydream
Writer: Jim Grieco
Title: The Man Inside
Writer: Kymberly Harris
Title: 12 Hours 2 Steal
Writer: Justin K Hayward
Title: The Washington Triangle
Writer: William Hilton, Kilo Alexander
Title: Child of the Disappeared
Writer: Michael Holliday
Title: Dead Reckoning
Writer: Chad Hutson
Title: This Is Take One
Writer: Aaron Daniel Jacob
Title: In Their Shoes
Writer: Duchant Johnson, Errol Wright
Title: Kept
Writer: Kasper Kavalaris
Title: Secret Library
Writer: Laurel King
Title: Tuxedo Park
Writer: Myles Lazarou
Title: More Than One Idiot Brother
Writer: Pearse Lehane
Title: Bombshell
Writer: Ludwig Leidig, Brett Williams, Yuri Joakimidis
Title: La Locura: The Madness
Writer: Rod Luzzi, George Deihl, Sam Cadman
Title: Art
Writer: Stefan Alexander Mannes
Title: Reformation
Writer: Stefan Alexander Mannes, Stephen Morgan-Mackay
Title: Rochelle
Writer: John McCloskey
Title: Saw the Forest
Writer: Patrick L. McConnell
Title: Rockstars
Writer: Randall Palmer
Title: Santa Ana Winds
Writer: Terry L Raven
Title: Homefront
Writer: D. K. Renèe
Title: Vagabond
Writer: Bob Reynolds
Title: A Lonesome Spot
Writer: Clark Richey
Title: Runaway ship
Writer: Theodore Carl Soderberg
Title: Dissension
Writer: Stacey A. Spivey
Title: I’ll Give You My Heart
Writer: Tamara Steren
Title: Bloodlines: The Mogadishu Diaries 1992-1993
Writer: Eddie Clay Thompkins III
Title: Seeing Red
Writer: Timothy Williams