Congratulations on being part of the historic 25th Edition of the Beverly Hills International Film Festival

  • If you have a screenplay accepted as a 2025 Screenplay Official Selection, you are eligible to receive a FREE Screenwriter Pass that gives access to everything at the BHFF EXCEPT for the final Awards Night Gala on April, 6th, 2025.
  • Regardless of the number of titles you hold during the filmmaking process, if you have a film accepted as a 2025 Filmmaker Official Selection, you are ONLY eligible to receive TWO FREE Filmmaker Passes that give access to everything at the BHFF EXCEPT for the final Awards Night Gala on April, 6th, 2025.
  • Please note that the BHFF does NOT provide any travel accommodations. If the Hilton Hotel provides us with a discount code, we will make that available.
  • There are absolutely NO refunds on any purchases.


  • February 15th – Submit the acceptance form to confirm participation in the 2025 BHFF
  • February 28th – Purchase discounted passes and tickets through a secure link
  • February 28th – Send your film’s master to 9663 Santa Monica Blvd, Suite 777, Beverly Hills, CA 90210, or complete the online delivery through FilmDCP.com (additional details for FilmDCP provided further in this form)
  • March 7th – Deadline to reserve rooms under the discount BHFF rate at The Beverly Hilton Hotel.
  • April 1st  – Drop off your film’s marketing material (postcards, flyers, poster, easel) during the festival at the TCL Chinese 6 Theaters. (DO NOT MAIL)



*All film screenings will occur at the TCL Chinese Theatre.

* All daily panel discussions will take place at the TCL Chinese Theatre.

1. All official selections are placed in competition. Awards are given in the following categories:
Golden Palm Award for Best Feature
Best Director
Best Male Performance
Best Female Performance
Best Producer
Best Film Screenplay
Best Cinematography
Best Editor
Best Foreign Film
Best Score
Student Filmmaker

Best Feature Film
Best Documentary
Best Short Film
Best Animation

Best Feature Film
Best Documentary
Best Short Film
Best Animation

All marketing materials (if any) should have the “Official Selection of 2025 Beverly Hills Film Festival” *Laurel included, with NO reference to other film festivals. You can download the laurels here.

We suggest that you produce 5” x 7” postcards for your promotional handouts for screening at the festival. These should include screening times, which will be noted on our website once we publish our programming. We also recommend you bring approximately 50 postcards with you to the festival and display them on the BHFF promotional table at the screening venue. If you would like to display any posters, postcards, or printed materials of your film on our display tables, you MUST make arrangements to drop them off with our festival staff prior to your screening time during the festival.

You must bring your own easel if you wish to display your film poster at the screening venue. The BHFF does NOT provide easels for filmmakers.

Promoting your own film can mean increased attention among the media and entertainment industry. Please ask your publicist or marketing staff to get in touch with us via email at films@beverlyhillsfilmfestival.com for any further questions or details. Please advise us of your own press and marketing efforts for our festival, as well as any special guests, VIPs, or press attendees as far in advance as possible.

Please check your emails for updates throughout the festival, as that is the most efficient way for us to notify you of general festival updates. If the email you provided is a general contact email, please make sure we have ONE direct contact email for a representative of your film.

It is an absolute MUST that a representative of your film is present at your screening. If someone is NOT available to represent your film, your film will NOT be screened.

The following poster is for showcasing your film’s information on our website:

Please Upload a vertical JPG or PNG file of your film’s official poster

Your film’s poster (high quality) Vertical poster (3:4)

*** Follow these steps to send the e-mail:

1. You should send ONE Poster and ONE Still image.

2. Include your film’s TITLE on the file’s name.

3. Make sure the file is smaller than 1 gig. The BHFF will not be responsible if your film poster is not published on the official website due to technical issues with your file.


1. All Masters must be submitted by February 28th, 2025. You must MAIL your DCP or Blu-Ray to the Beverly Hills Film Festival mailing address by February 28th, 2025:

Beverly Hills Film Festival

9663 S Santa Monica Blvd #777

Beverly Hills, CA 90210

The BHFF does NOT accept links to your DCP. All DCPs or Blu-rays MUST BE MAILED by the deadline, and no other screening formats will be accepted. **Unless you use our DCP partner FilmDCP, they can download, test, and deliver it to us physically in a shared hard drive.

You may NOT drop off your DCP or Blu-Ray. All DCPs and Blu-rays MUST BE MAILED.

2. Please check your masters before sending them in for any flaws or visual/audio imperfections, as BHFF will not be held responsible for any damages.

3. When you are sending your film in, please take extra caution when shipping – using a professional box and shipping service is recommended.


– Please label your HD/FLASH DRIVE with FILM TITLE and YOUR NAME, Clearly.

-Makes and models for servers in the Chinese 6plex are GDC and SX-2000AR.

-The DRIVE with the DCP has to be formatted EXT2, EXT3, NTFS or FAT32(under 4gigs) for it to ingest into our server.(NO MAC FORMATTED DRIVES)

-Frame rate has to be between 24 and 30 fps/sec.

-The connection from the drive to our server has to be either a USB or CRU connection

-DCPs made with Adobe Premiere (and possibly other similar products) do not work in our system.

-DCPs should NOT be in a zipped folder.

-The TCL Chinese Theatre CANNOT download from links.

-The TCL Chinese Theatre can only play DCP and NTSC Blu-ray/DVD files. It has to connect through HDMI.

-Bring an American NTSC Blu-ray disc as a backup option

For anybody needing further assistance or DCP Creation, please contact our preferred partner, Filmdcp.com, whom can further assist.

FilmDCP has an option of an Online delivery which they will make your DCP and deliver it in a Shared Master Hard Drive within all other Film DCPs. They will QC test it and deliver it straight to the festival.

5. It is your responsibility to pick up your film immediately after the screening or sometime during the festival BEFORE April 6th when the Awards Night Gala will be held. Films that are not picked up immediately after their screening or before April 6th may never be recovered. It is not the responsibility of the BHFF to ensure the return of your film, but it is up to you and your team to recover your items. By submitting your film and agreeing to screen your film at the BHFF, you understand that you release the BHFF of any and all liability associated with the non-recovery of your film post-screening.


Our annual Awards Night Gala will take place on Sunday, April 6th, 2024, from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm at the Beverly Hilton Hotel, Los Angeles.

As seating at this prestigious event is limited, tickets are only available for advance purchase. The evening will encompass a great opportunity to network, as we hold a meet-and-greet prior to the dinner, followed by the awards show.

Filmmakers’ 2 complementary ALL ACCESS FILMMAKER PASSES will give access and entrance to the entire event EXCEPT for the Awards Night Gala. To attend the Awards Night Gala, everyone must purchase tickets prior to the Gala, as this event does sell out quickly. Filmmakers will receive priority seating. Gala tables seat 8-10 people. To make additional purchases AFTER the March 6th deadline, please refer to our main box office on the BHFF website.


1.  Filmmakers may pick up their 2 complimentary ALL ACCESS FILMMAKER PASSES at the screening venue anytime during the festival from April 1st – 6th, 2025

2. We strongly encourage that all filmmakers, cast, crew, and family attend and experience the Awards Night Gala to support the films and their fellow artists; however, all Awards Night Gala tickets must be purchased in advance.

3. The screenings will all sell out. If you or your guests do not purchase tickets well in advance, there is a strong possibility the screening will sell out, and you may not be able to share your screening with all your invitees.

4. Absolutely NO refunds will be issued for any purchased passes or tickets.

5. All festival pass holders will be given priority seating at screenings if not sold out. We ask that everyone arrive a minimum of 15 minutes prior to the screening/block they wish to attend.



*All film screenings will occur at the TCL Chinese Theatre.

* All daily panel discussions will take place at the TCL Chinese Theatre.

1. All official selections are placed in competition. Awards and prizes are given in the following categories: All accepted Scripts are placed in the festival competition. Competing screenplays are eligible for the following awards:
The Golden Palm Award
1st Runner-up
2nd Runner-up
Student Screenplay Writer

2. Any and all marketing materials should have “Official Selection of 2025 Beverly Hills Film Festival” included, with NO reference to other film festivals. You can download the laurels here.

3. Promoting your own script can mean increased attention among the media and entertainment industry. You have the option to bring either 5″ x 7″ postcards or fliers that introduce and promote you and/or your screenplay. You may place your marketing document(s) at the BHFF display table at the screening venue during the festival from April 1st – 6th, 2025

4. Please check your email for updates throughout the festival, as that is the most efficient way for us to notify you of general updates. If the email you provided is an email you don’t regularly check, please make sure emails are forwarded directly to you

5. All screenplay official selections receive 1 ALL ACCESS SCREENWRITER PASS, which provides access to all film screenings, panel discussions, workshops, and VIP after-parties, with the EXCEPTION of the Awards Night Gala and dinner. We strongly encourage all screenplay finalists, cast, crew, friends, and family to attend and experience the Awards Night Gala on April 6th at the Beverly Hilton Hotel, Los Angeles to support the writers and filmmakers and experience this special night. To attend the Awards Night Gala, you must purchase tickets prior to the gala night, as this event will sell out.

To purchase tickets and passes AFTER the February 28th deadline, please refer to our main box office on the BHFF website.


Our annual, black-tie Awards Night Gala and dinner will take place on Sunday, April 6th, 2025, from 6:30 pm to 9:30 p.m. at the The Beverly Hilton Hotel, Los Angeles.

As seating at this prestigious event is limited, tickets are only available for advance purchase. Tickets will NOT be available for purchase on the day of or at the door. The evening will encompass a great opportunity to network, as we hold a cocktail party and meet-and-greet prior to the dinner, followed by the awards show.

Gala tables seat 8-10 people. Preferred seating will be arranged only for VIP Awards Night Gala guests.

Ballroom doors will open at 6 pm and early arrival is strongly suggested.

PLEASE NOTE: We process all transactions, and we do not store or share any personal information, nor do we keep any information on file.

Absolutely NO refund will be issued for any purchased passes or tickets.

All festival pass holders will be given priority seating. Everyone MUST arrive a minimum of 15 minutes prior to the screening/block they wish to attend.

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